”Kaiserkrone”. Trekking in the Alps

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Wilder Kaiser


Kaisergebirge circuit




July 2026


5 zile

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Austria. Alpi. Wilder Kaiser.trekking





The ”Kaiserkrone” (The Emperor/Kaiser Crown) circuit takes us along a beautiful walking route from hut to hut, as we circle around the imposing Kaiser Mountains.

During the trek we will enjoy the Austrian mountain huts. These are one of the best in the world, offering a clean, simple but cozy accommodation with warm showers, toilets, good food (Austrian style, vegetarian dish also) and drinks.

For five days, we will imerse ourselves in the peace of the mountains, away of car traffic and city noises. We will just enjoy the walk, looking to the rocky ridges and the green slopes below, where local cows are feeling home.


”Kaisergebirge” in german – meaning ”Emperor Mountains”, are a mountain range in the Eastern Alps, german speaking population. Its main ridges are two:

  • the ”Zahmer Kaiser” (Peaceful Kaiser)
  • the ”Wilder Kaiser” (Wild Kaiser), more rocky and steep.

This mountain range is central north of Austria, border with Germany, on the main railway line between Innsbruck (Austria) and Munich (Germany).

The mountains belongs to the world known Tyrol province of Austria, nearby Kufstein town and 2h away of the famous Munich city in Germany.

The Kaiser Mountains offer some of the loveliest scenery in all the Austrian Alps with beautiful limestone walls, famous and worldwide known for rock climbing.

Our circuit features ascents and descents each day, visiting the most beautiful spots in the Kaiser Mountains.

We will have some of the most majestic views from the Chiemsee Lake to the highest peak of Austria – Großglockner (3.798m).


Alpi. Wilder Kaiser. trekking

During the days 1, 2, 5 and partial 4, we will walk along peaceful green pastures and alpine vegetation.

The day 3 and partial 4, will be more challenging, as we have to cross the  main ridge of Wilder Kaiser. The trail is more rocky, walking below huge rock faces – a heaven for climbers! – and for some short sections will be protected by iron chains.

For those persons with more energy at the end of the day and willing to challenge themselves, there is an extra option also!

Nearby the Stripsenjoch hut (day 2) and Grutten hut (day 3), there are via ferrata routes (difficulty B, C, D) were you can discover what means vertical challenges in a very safe way!

The special equipment can be rented from the hut.



All the accommodations during this trekking circuit will be in the remote mountain huts called ”Hütte” in german language.

The Austrian huts are cozy, with lovely dinning rooms, common bathrooms, toilets and showers. The services are simple, as everything there must be brought from the valley, from food, drinks to pillows and blankets.

Most of the mountain huts do not offer private rooms to sleep (or only few) but rooms with more beds (4-8 beds) or common rooms (10/20 beds).

Austria. Alpi. Stubai. trekking

Almost all the huts have warm water for shower for which – sometimes, you have to pay extra.

Dinner & breakfast will be provided by the hut, at fix hours, in the common dinning room (”die Stube”).

Some huts may offer ”a la carte” menu while others have fix menu with vegetarian and non vegetarian options.

Fix dinners in ”die Stube” means:

  • soup
  • salad
  • main course (vegetarian or non vegetarian)
  • desert

Alcoholic or not alcoholic drinks are not included and you have to order and pay extra.

Usually, the breakfast is early morning between 06.00 – 08.00. The reason is that almost everybody wants to start the trekking day as early as possible.

Breakfast consists in a bufet with cereals, cheese, ham, jam, butter, bread and hot drinks. maybe fruits also. You can eat as much as you can but not too much, in order to be able to walk later!

For an extra fee, many huts gives the possibility to prepare a lunch pack for the walk. So, while enjoying the walk in the mountains you will not be staving!

This ”Kaiser Mountains” trekking circuit gives the possibility to discover what means a real ”multi-day mountain walk” in the Alps, in remote places but still with comfort.

Please contact for more details about the trekking program.


Logo Uimla 200


  • 5 days in the mountains, between 4-6h daily walk;
  • 4 nights accommodation in the mountains
  • 4 mountain huts;
  • 2 via ferrata routes (optional)
  • Total distance: 33km
  • Total elevation: +3.800m
  • Highest altitude: 2.342m, day 5



This trekking program is open to everybody with minimal mountain trekking experience and good physical condition, able to walk as part of a group.

Along the circuit there will be some short, more exposed passages, but protected by metal cables. The trekking guide – a qualified International Mountain Leader and Austrian Hochtouren Uebungsleiter, will take care of the safety of all the participants.

Those who wish to participate in the via ferrata ascents should be well prepared mentally for the aerial passages.

Contact us for more details.

Alpi. Wilder Kaiser. cățărare

Logo Rucksack 110

Austria. Alpi. Wilder Kaiser.trekking





The ”Kaiserkrone” (The Emperor/Kaiser Crown) circuit takes us along a beautiful walking route from hut to hut, as we circle around the imposing Kaiser Mountains.

During the trek we will enjoy the Austrian mountain huts. These are one of the best in the world, offering a clean, simple but cozy accommodation with warm showers, toilets, good food (Austrian style, vegetarian dish also) and drinks.

For five days, we will imerse ourselves in the peace of the mountains, away of car traffic and city noises. We will just enjoy the walk, looking to the rocky ridges and the green slopes below, where local cows are feeling home.


”Kaisergebirge” in german – meaning ”Emperor Mountains”, are a mountain range in the Eastern Alps, german speaking population. Its main ridges are two:

  • the ”Zahmer Kaiser” (Peaceful Kaiser)
  • the ”Wilder Kaiser” (Wild Kaiser), more rocky and steep.

This mountain range is central north of Austria, border with Germany, on the main railway line between Innsbruck (Austria) and Munich (Germany).

The mountains belongs to the world known Tyrol province of Austria, nearby Kufstein town and 2h away of the famous Munich city in Germany.

The Kaiser Mountains offer some of the loveliest scenery in all the Austrian Alps with beautiful limestone walls, famous and worldwide known for rock climbing.

Our circuit features ascents and descents each day, visiting the most beautiful spots in the Kaiser Mountains.

We will have some of the most majestic views from the Chiemsee Lake to the highest peak of Austria – Großglockner (3.798m).


Alpi. Wilder Kaiser. trekking

During the days 1, 2, 5 and partial 4, we will walk along peaceful green pastures and alpine vegetation.

The day 3 and partial 4, will be more challenging, as we have to cross the  main ridge of Wilder Kaiser. The trail is more rocky, walking below huge rock faces – a heaven for climbers! – and for some short sections will be protected by iron chains.

For those persons with more energy at the end of the day and willing to challenge themselves, there is an extra option also!

Nearby the Stripsenjoch hut (day 2) and Grutten hut (day 3), there are via ferrata routes (difficulty B, C, D) were you can discover what means vertical challenges in a very safe way!

The special equipment can be rented from the hut.



All the accommodations during this trekking circuit will be in the remote mountain huts called ”Hütte” in german language.

The Austrian huts are cozy, with lovely dinning rooms, common bathrooms, toilets and showers. The services are simple, as everything there must be brought from the valley, from food, drinks to pillows and blankets.

Most of the mountain huts do not offer private rooms to sleep (or only few) but rooms with more beds (4-8 beds) or common rooms (10/20 beds).

Austria. Alpi. Stubai. trekking

Almost all the huts have warm water for shower for which – sometimes, you have to pay extra.

Dinner & breakfast will be provided by the hut, at fix hours, in the common dinning room (”die Stube”).

Some huts may offer ”a la carte” menu while others have fix menu with vegetarian and non vegetarian options.

Fix dinners in ”die Stube” means:

  • soup
  • salad
  • main course (vegetarian or non vegetarian)
  • desert

Alcoholic or not alcoholic drinks are not included and you have to order and pay extra.

Usually, the breakfast is early morning between 06.00 – 08.00. The reason is that almost everybody wants to start the trekking day as early as possible.

Breakfast consists in a bufet with cereals, cheese, ham, jam, butter, bread and hot drinks. maybe fruits also. You can eat as much as you can but not too much, in order to be able to walk later!

For an extra fee, many huts gives the possibility to prepare a lunch pack for the walk. So, while enjoying the walk in the mountains you will not be staving!

This ”Kaiser Mountains” trekking circuit gives the possibility to discover what means a real ”multi-day mountain walk” in the Alps, in remote places but still with comfort.

Please contact for more details about the trekking program.


Logo Uimla 200


  • 5 days in the mountains, between 4-6h daily walk;
  • 4 nights accommodation in the mountains
  • 4 mountain huts;
  • 2 via ferrata routes (optional)
  • Total distance: 33km
  • Total elevation: +3.800m
  • Highest altitude: 2.342m, day 5



This trekking program is open to everybody with minimal mountain trekking experience and good physical condition, able to walk as part of a group.

Along the circuit there will be some short, more exposed passages, but protected by metal cables. The trekking guide – a qualified International Mountain Leader and Austrian Hochtouren Uebungsleiter, will take care of the safety of all the participants.

Those who wish to participate in the via ferrata ascents should be well prepared mentally for the aerial passages.

Contact us for more details.

Alpi. Wilder Kaiser. cățărare

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